Dog Behavior Series 10 - Why Do Dogs Sleep So Much? - DogLove


Monday 18 February 2019

Dog Behavior Series 10 - Why Do Dogs Sleep So Much?

Do you want to know the top 3 reasons why dogs sleep so much? Keep reading to discover what they are and whether you should be concerned by gaining an understanding of your dog's behavior.
First, let me explain that a dog's sleeping habits are dependent on the breed, the dog's environment, and the dog's age. These factors determine the amount of sleep that is required. On average, a dog is awake and active twenty percent of the time, awake but inactive thirty percent of the time, and asleep fifty percent of the time.
So why do dogs sleep so much? 
The reason is because dogs do not get as much deep sleep as humans. Humans spend twenty-five percent of their time in deep sleep, but dogs only spend ten percent of their time in deep sleep. So dogs need more sleep to get adequate rest.
It is normal dog behavior for domestic dogs to sleep half their life. Normal dog behavior is not a concern. It is a concern, however, when there is a change in your dog's sleeping habits or a change in your dog's normal behavior. Reasons for these concerns will be discussed later in this segment.
There are a number of reasons why your dog sleeps so much. Let's find out what the most common reasons are and what you need to understand about this dog behavior.
  • One - Breed
Some sleeping habits are breed dependent. Very large breeds like the Mastiff, St. Bernard, Newfoundland, and Great Pyrenees love to sleep. The amount of sleep that a dog requires is contingent to its size. Larger dog breeds need more sleep than smaller dog breeds.
  • Two - Environment
Dogs adapt their sleep behavior to their surroundings. With little or no activity in their environment, dogs with sedentary lifestyles will lay around all day out of sheer boredom. Bored dogs tend to sleep and rest more, but this dog behavior is normal given the lifestyle. Working dogs, on the other hand, have an active lifestyle and sleep less. The more active the dog, the less he sleeps.
  • Three - Age
Puppies and senior dogs sleep more. This too is normal dog behavior. When puppies are active, they are really active; full of life and vitality. Puppies exert a lot of energy in play and discovery and require more sleep. Senior dogs just slow down with age and require more rest and sleep.
There are other reasons why dogs sleep so much that you need to be aware of.
Again, normal dog behavior is not a concern. It is a concern, however, when there is a change in your dog's sleeping habits or a change in your dog's normal behavior. If your dog's sleeping behavior has changed, the following medical reasons could be the cause.
  • One - Hypothyroidism
The thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones, causing a decrease in metabolic function. Most of the time this is an autoimmune response that attacks the thyroid, but it can also be caused by other conditions, such as cancer. The decrease in metabolic function causes the whole body to slow down resulting in lack of energy, lack of enthusiasm, and excess sleepiness. Other symptoms may include weight gain, anemia, hair loss, skin and coat disorders, decreased heart rate, and intolerance to cold weather.
  • Two - Diabetes
Older female dogs, small breeds, and obese dogs are at greater risk of getting Diabetes. Symptoms include sleepiness, lack of energy, increased thirst, frequent urination, weight loss, and occasional blindness.
  • Three - Infectious Disease
Such as Rabies, Distemper, Parvovirus, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Lyme disease. Most infectious diseases cause lack of energy and sleepiness and are accompanied by a variety of other symptoms.
  • Four - Depression
The primary symptoms of canine depression are an increased amount of time spent sleeping, decreased activity, lack of energy, decreased appetite, and weight loss.
If you suspect your dog may be suffering from any of the above medical conditions, make an appointment with your vet right away. Other reasons why dogs sleep so much may also be the result of a low-quality diet. Most pet foods do not provide dogs with the nutrients their bodies need to live a healthy, active life and can slow them down, resulting in a lack of energy and enthusiasm.
Now let's recap. 
Always rule out underlying medical issues that could be causing your dog to sleep more or less than usual. A dramatic change in sleeping habits is a matter of grave concern. If your dog's sleeping habits have not changed, then there is no reason for concern. Dogs sleep more than humans and it is not necessarily a bad thing. It is normal dog behavior for domestic dogs to sleep half their life.
A dog's sleeping habits are dependent on the breed, the dog's environment, and the dog's age. These factors determine the amount of sleep a dog needs to get adequate rest. If your dog is bored, give him something to do so he does not sleep so much. Ensure he gets plenty of exercise and mental stimulation, especially if he decides to entertain himself in your absence by getting into trash and onto counters. Dogs are intelligent and love a challenge. Provide your dog with a smart dispenser-type toy such as a treat ball to keep him occupied.
Ensure your dog is fed nutritional, digestible food. Between the grains and by-products, among other unhealthy ingredients, your dog is expected to eat something that is not good for him that will eventually drain him of his energy and affect his health. Provide senior dogs with orthopedic beds to improve their quality of sleep.
Hope you enjoyed this segment on Dog Behavior, specifically on the topic of why dogs sleep so much, and hope you walked away with something of value. If you enjoyed this article, subscribe to my channel on YouTube. Thank you so much for reading. I look forward to seeing you inside my next article. Please like, share, comment, and subscribe. Until next time. Bye Bye.
By understanding dogs and their behavior, you will be able to connect with them on a new level and gain their trust. Series 10 focuses on providing pet owners with answers to why dogs sleep so much. Learn more about this common behavior and other dog behaviors on my YouTube Channel hosted by Osso, The Giant Alaskan Malamute
Dog Behavior Series 9: Why Do Dogs Growl?

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